Epson Stylus R3000 Printer
Epson company is one of the most known when it comes to printer a quality printing that comes in every new model and styles, today the Epson introduce their new product the Stylus Photo R3000 as promise this is the kind a high end printer for photographers and good photo output, a printer is designed for a gallery quality black and white outcome also for color prints. and supports its supports a high capacity individual ink cartridges of using a wide range of paper type and sizes, mind you this is something good that the Epson Photo R3000 fully supports Wi-Fi 802.11n connectivity this useful one especially if you don't have any cables and the traditional Ethernet connection, this is a kind of printer that capable of bringing a wide color and more dramatic when it comes to blues and violet with a good color transition and they give more highlight and a shadow details. Epson Stylos Photo R3000 a printer who is fitted for the professionals and other quality users for the best printing results, the price as far as the public is concern is around $840 the availability of the product will be on the early of March.
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